Abide by the taxation laws and live up to your customers’ expectations and trust with CISePOS’s FBR POS integration. To make sure that taxes paid by the customers are actually handed over to the Federal Board of Revenue, we have integrated our billing system with the point of sales invoicing system.
Tax payment is a critical aspect of retail and restaurant businesses with reference to tax collection, reporting, and submission and the FBR POS integration makes it easier to achieve these objectives by allowing great customer convenience and no extra hardware requirement.
One of the core advantages of the CISePOS point of sale software FBR integration is the seamless method of reporting sales and taxes. It allows retailers to allot different tax percentages as defined by the FBR according to the products. It also provides the feature to generate reports to analyze the data related to tax collection.
Another crucial advantage of FBR POS system integration on the customer’s end is offering them the possibility to easily verify whether the amount of tax has been deposited to the FBR or not. The sales receipts generated by the CISePOS POS software have invoice numbers and unique QR codes to be verified by the customers using the Tax Asaan application by the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR).
Increase the credibility of your business by opting for CISePOS FBR POS integration. By doing so, you can register your outlet or restaurant as FBR authorized POS provider which can help create trust among the existing and prospective clients and customers.
Get your business FBR recognized today!